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Detoxification diet

Detoxification diet

  •    Detoxification diet plan 

This diet allows the body to quickly purify itself of its toxins and regain its basic balance. It is a good cleansing diet for everyone without exception. This diet lasts three weeks.

a) The first three days.

Take upon awakening, on an empty stomach, a large glass of water, not or very little mineralized.

Morning, noon and evening, a selection of very ripe fruits: orange, grapefruit, pineapple, apples, tomatoes. Take it moderately, as desired and not more. Nothing else except a little water, depending on thirst, between these meals. Rest and sleep as much as possible.

NB: The thin and the nervous will be enough for three days but the obese can go beyond.

b) Fourth day and following.

--Each day after getting up, take the juice of a very ripe lemon in half a liter of lukewarm water.

- Breakfast: Fruits indicated for the previous days.

--Midday: Vegetable broth

Evening: Salad and raw vegetables. One or two cooked, non-floury vegetables.

c) Second week.

--Continue to take lukewarm lemon water in the morning.

- Breakfast: Fruits as before.

--Midday: Green salad and raw vegetables with one or two dry pancakes or a slice of dried brown bread /

--Evening: Vegetable broth, two or three steamed vegetables. Vegetable salad.

NB: This diet provides enough cellulose to excite intestinal peritaltism and prevent constipation. Do not use laxatives. Of course, if there is an organic obstruction (tumor for example), the problem is different.

d) Third week.

- Continue to take the lemon water in the morning and the fruits for breakfast.

--Midday: Green salad and raw vegetables and dry pancake or wholemeal biscuit, or slice of wholemeal bread, or potato, or potatoes or yams or bananas or taro or foufou corn or rice with a little vegetable oil and lean fish , without exceeding 1,500 calories per day. Eat little, eat right, and eat a balanced diet.

--Evening: A nitrogenous dish (cheese, egg, lean meat or fish, beans, etc.). A dish containing two or three cooked green vegetables. A little raw salad.

NB: You can add a little moringa powder to food. The skinny and nervous people can have a small pot of yogurt in the morning around 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. (one hour after lemon water). If they do not tolerate fruit, they can replace it with green vegetable or carrot juice.

When hungry for this third week, the body is rid of its toxins. But it is essential, in order to maintain this well-being, to adopt a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle (without tobacco, alcohol, and stress).

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