Nauclea latifolia

Nauclea latifolia

Nauclea latifolia

nauclea-latifolia.png Vulgar name: African fisher

African names:Wolof: nâdok, nâdop - Bambara: bari or  bati. - Peuhl: bauré, bakuré, bakuri,dundunké--Goun and FON : Codô.


This plant is part of  African big medicines particularly some decoction made through trunk bark or some root that is febrifuge and use for malaria. Its root is yellow and uses for jaundice by analogies, stomach ache, painful rules, and infertility problems. The herbal tea is tasting bitter and the roots of the plant participate in the composition of a lot of herbal teas.


It is a shrub that can reach 5 m in height. It has large elliptical leaves. The flowers are white, arranged in heads at the ends of the branches. These flower heads will turn yellow or reddish fruits when ripe. This plant likes savannas and beaches.

Direction of use 

--Fevers, Jaundice, and Malaria.

In feverish states and attacks of jaundice or malaria, a decoction of 30 g of roots, bark, or leaves in one liter of water can be given.


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