Sore throat


Undestand Sore throat

Sore throat is irritation and inflammation of the lining of the throat, which leaves a tickling, "burning" throat, severe pain and irritation. Sore throat is actually more of a throat. symptom of another disease (cold, sore throat, cough, allergy, cold, flu, etc.). The mouth and throat are often the first stage for the entry of foreign bodies or infectious agents (virus, bacteria, etc.). Sore throat is usually the first symptom of a cold.


The cause of sore throats is mostly viral or bacterial. Sore throat is then one of the symptoms (with fever, cold, ...) of flu syndrome. It is estimated that there are around 200 different viruses that can cause flu syndrome and therefore a sore throat. A sore throat can also be caused or promoted by too dry air, fatigue (due to a weakened immune system), an allergy, tobacco (for example tobacco smoke in a room), stress or nervousness. , pharyngitis (tonsillitis), laryngitis or the simple fact of having spoken too much or shouted too much. Note also that in some cases sore throats can be caused by bacteria (staphilococci, streptococci, etc.)


The classic symptoms of a sore throat are usually:

- a red throat that burns and itches (typical signs of inflammation)

- difficulty swallowing solid foods

- other symptoms typical of colds such as fever or cold.

- possible swelling of the lymph nodes

- hoarseness

- unpleasant breath (bad breath)

- possible breathing difficulties.

Please consult a doctor promptly in the event of complications related to sore throat, such as a high fever, sore throat or difficulty breathing.

Good advice

- Drink a lot, especially herbal teas (made from sage) as well as drinks or herbal tea with honey.

- Eat mainly liquid foods (soups, ...) to reduce the pain when swallowing

- Sucking candy for the throat, this increases salivary secretion and promotes healing, however be careful to follow the instructions on the package leaflet of the drug not to abuse it.

- Avoid eating foods that are too acidic or too salty so as not to irritate the lining of the throat.

- Gargle (>> based on sage, thyme or chamomile tea for example).

- Treat yourself with medicinal plants rich in mucilage in the form of herbal tea or candy

- Taking a large dose of vitamin C (up to 1 gram per day) as well as zinc (4 to 5 zinc lozenges per day for a maximum of 5 days) when the sore throat has started, would allow halve the duration of sore throat symptoms.

- Protect the neck and throat from the cold with a scarf or scarf, especially in winter.

- Humidify the air in the room where you sleep as well as in the office.

- Avoid speaking too much or singing too much during a sore throat so as not to aggravate the situation.

- Avoid smoky premises and if possible do not smoke during your sore throat (very irritating action of tobacco on the mucous membrane of the throat).

Grandma's remedy

Here are some interesting grandma's sore throat remedies:

- Clove garlic

- Salt water (against sore throat)

- Clay poultice

- Sage infusion

- Sage gargle


Typical treatments for sore throats may include:

1. Medicines based on a local anesthetic combined with an antiseptic, these medicines will notably help to calm the pain and disinfect the mucous membranes of the throat.

These drugs are often taken as a lozenge or as a gargle

2. Analgesics, such as those based on paracetamol, ibuprofen or ASA (Aspirin®), these painkillers are mainly used to supplement therapy in cases of severe pain and fever associated with sore throat.

Treatment with traditional African medicine

- Make vapor baths and mouthwashes using a decoction of lemon leaves or mango tree bark.

--Drink lemon juice combined with honey and hot water.

NB: Africa-herbal tea N ° 1 (super balm) is very effective against sore throats. You must have this ointment handy in your homes.

me) est très efficace contre les maux de gorge. 

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