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Tonsillitis or engine is an inflammation of the tonsils, small rounded lymph glands on either side of the back of the throat. It usually results in a sore throat and fever. Frequent, it mainly affects children over 2 years old and adults under 40 years old. It is of viral or bacterial origin. The vast majority of tonsillitis are erythematous (“red tonsillitis”) or erythematopultacea (“white tonsillitis”), ulcerative tonsillitis (presence of ulceration) and pseudomembranous (presence of false membranes) being much rarer. Angina is viral in 50 to 90% of cases, and bacterial in the other cases. Among bacterial tonsillitis, the most common and the only one likely to cause general complications is that due to beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A, responsible in particular for acute articular rheumatism.


Regardless of the type of angina, the first clinical sign is pain or difficulty in swallowing.

Examination of the oral cavity makes it possible to assess the extent of the needs and to verify their appearance.

Angina can also be accompanied by fever, malaise, headache.

Traditional Treatments

Citrus fruits rich in vitamin C: There is some evidence that the

Vitamin C, found in citrus fruits, is effective in treating strep bacteria which are often the cause of tonsillitis.

Various plants are excellent sources of vitamin C: bitter melon, peppers, red chili, guava, watercress.

Garlic treats tonsillitis but also any throat infection.

(2 capsules of garlic per day).

Ginger, mustard seeds, pepper, small chili are also effective.

The root of Nauclea latifolia (codô in goun) is also effective in treating angina.

Gargle with lemon juice 2 times a day.

Take 10 gr. of leaves + 5 gr. of mango blossoms Make an infusion in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes, strain, and drink 3 cups / day


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