Mineral salts

Mineral salts.


Mineral salts are part of the intimate composition of all tissues and fluids in the body. We all know about cooking salt (sodium chloride) and calcium, even if we ignore others. Indeed, the human body is not only made of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and water but also of metalloids and metals, bases and acids, positive and negative ions. The mineral salts are: calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, potassium, silicon, fluorine, sodium carbonate, etc. Bones, shells, shells, dry bone are very rich in calcium, and reduced to powder, are an excellent remedy against decalcification. The things that we easily reject can sometimes be useful. But, mineral salts are naturally found in fruits, vegetables, honey, milk, mineral waters, cereals, yeasts, cheeses, fish, meats, etc. They play a role of catalyst, regulator, moderator, repairer, conductor and enter into the composition of all fluids in the body. Despite their small size (barely 3.5% of body weight), their importance is capital, even vital for the body. Mineral deficiencies cause disorders as dangerous, as dramatic as protein, lipid or vitamin deficiencies (fatigue, tingling, burning, allergies, migraine, vertigo, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, fibroma, cyst, impotence, vision and memory impairment, obesity, etc.).

2- Some mineral salts and their sources.

a) Calcium.

The main component of bone mass, calcium is absorbed by the intestine and is involved in blood clotting and then in neurovegetative functions. Are rich in calcium bones, shells, shells, dry bone, milk, moringa leaves, baobab leaves and monkey bread, milk, cheeses, lemon, fatty fruits ( almonds, hazelnuts), egg yolk, black olives, fruits, salads, garlic, onion, wheat germ. Calcium deficiency can cause bone brittleness, delayed walking in children, osteoarthritis and bone clicking in adults, morning or permanent asthenia, etc.

b) Phosphorus.

In the body, everything works in symbiosis and nothing is unnecessary. So phosphorus must be in good balance with calcium, one allowing the other to bind. The body's average need for phosphorus is about one gram per day. The following foods are rich in phosphorus: Milk, cheese, eggs, certain vegetables, fine grains, onion, lemon, oranges, grapefruit, etc. Foods rich in phosphorus and calcium are very effective against acidosis and decalcification.

c) Potassium.

Potassium is an intracellular alkaline in equilibrium with sodium across cell membranes. Its presence influences the level of magnesium. It is involved in the life of red blood cells and in the transport of carbon dioxide from disassimilation. It plays a major role in the transmission of nerve impulses and in cardiac contractibility. Fatigue and asthenia can be due to potassium deficiency. But over-consumption of potassium foods can upset the mineral balance of calcium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. The golden mean in everything is the first law in dietetics and we must eat balanced. Are rich in potassium: potatoes, dry beans, peas, lentils, spinach, almonds and hazelnuts, dates, chestnuts, whole wheat, whole grains, bananas, honey , mushroom, onion, lemon, oranges, grapefruits, grapes, tomatoes etc.

d) Chlorine.

Chlorine is the main anion in blood, lymph, and the vast majority of body fluids. It is the hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. It must therefore be ingested daily. Are rich in chlorine: oyster, gruyere, dates, celery, whole egg, corn flour, bananas, fish, beef, egg yolk, spinach, lettuce , wheat germ, oatmeal, whole wheat, hazelnut, cauliflower, green bean, lentils, turnip, walnut, carrot, tomato, etc.

e) Sodium (sodium chloride or sodium salt).

Sodium is predominant in the blood and intercellular fluids. It is eliminated by the body through sweat and urine. It whets the appetite, stimulates the mind and muscle. Salt consumption should be moderate so as not to overwork the kidneys and cause too much thirst, but you should prefer whole sea salt to too refined salt. Salt is present in most foods. Rice contains very little of it, hence its interest in salt-free diets.

f) Magnesium.

 Magnesium is an essential constituent of chlorophyll, it activates organic defense, energizes white blood cells and plays a major role in mineral balance. It is anti-infectious, anti-cancer, anti-atheromatous. It purifies the blood, relaxes the nervous system and delays old age. It is found in seawater, in whole sea salt, in vegetables, in whole grains, meats, and fish.

NB: You just need to vary the fruits and vegetables and then eat a balanced diet every day to be sure to provide your body with all the trace elements it needs. In particular disorders, increase the intake of special trace elements.

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