Practical diet


Diets to lose weight

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Reread the Slimming Soft section to fully understand the mechanism of weight loss and gain. The principle is to consume less energy foods (carbohydrates and lipids) to force the body to live on its fat reserves. You don't just go into the regime anyhow. You have to weigh yourself and have a clear idea of ??the number of pounds to lose compared to your normal weight, your age, your constitution and your physical and mental state at the time. The diet adopted will depend on the number of pounds to lose in a given period. Once the diet has started you need to go all the way by controlling your weight once every five days with a good mind. It is very easy to lose the unnecessary pounds and even easier to regain the lost pounds if you resume the same bad eating habits. Beware of diuretic herbal teas and laxative herbal teas, the abuse of which can have serious consequences on the body (loss of a lot of water, mineral salts, trace elements and risk of thickening of the blood). By the way, these herbal teas are beneficial, but their abuse is always harmful with a great risk of addiction. Nothing can replace your poor diet, and remember that the same causes always have the same effects. Once the goal is reached you need to control yourself and play with the entries and exits to stabilize your weight. I wish you courage. You won't be disappointed if you hold on. Be brave.

1-Dietetic fasting.

Dietary fasting consists of the complete removal of cooked food and the absorption of water, up to two liters per day. Only very ripe fruit juices (lemons, orange, grapefruit, mandarins, pineapples, papayas, pickles, radishes, melon, etc.) are tolerated, alternating with vegetable broths (carrots, onions, garlic, eggplant, green beans, a little moringa leaves or a tablespoon of moringa powder, etc.).

a) The fast lasts from three to seven days.

As above.

b) The extended 10-day mixed fast.

In the morning, at noon and in the evening, eat a meal consisting only of raw vegetables and drink up to 2 liters of water per day.

c) The 10-day moringa fast.

Consume fresh leaves or moringa powder and drink up to two liters of water per day.

NB: Do not be afraid because your body will find everything it needs in the moringa leaves and its fat reserves. You will be very proud of the end result.

2-Replenishment after the fast.

After a fast it is advisable not to resume abruptly with carbohydrates and lipids.

--On the first and second day, take a sweet fruit juice diluted in water by half or a few fruits (bananas, mangoes, dates, carrots, beets, etc.) accompanied by water.

- On the third and fourth day, take raw vegetables in the mornings and evenings, then an unlimited meal at lunchtime.

- From the fifth day, eat balanced without excess.

NB: Drink a glass of water in the middle of a meal, and use up to two liters of water each day, away from meals. Take fruit 45 minutes before main meals. Quality red wine is tolerated at the table.

3- Detoxification diet.

This diet allows the body to quickly purify itself of its toxins and regain its basic balance. It is a good cleansing diet for everyone without exception. This diet lasts three weeks.

a) The first three days.

Take upon awakening, on an empty stomach, a large glass of water, not or very little mineralized.

Morning, noon and evening, a selection of very ripe fruits: orange, grapefruit, pineapple, apples, tomatoes. Take it moderately, as desired and not more. Nothing else except a little water, depending on thirst, between these meals. Rest and sleep as much as possible.

NB: The thin and the nervous will be enough for three days but the obese can go beyond.

b) Fourth day and following.

--Each day after getting up, take the juice of a very ripe lemon in half a liter of lukewarm water.

- Breakfast: Fruits indicated for the previous days.

--Midday: Vegetable broth

Evening: Salad and raw vegetables. One or two cooked, non-floury vegetables.

c) Second week.

--Continue to take lukewarm lemon water in the morning.

- Breakfast: Fruits as before.

--Midday: Green salad and raw vegetables with one or two dry pancakes or a slice of dried brown bread /

--Evening: Vegetable broth, two or three steamed vegetables. Vegetable salad.

NB: This diet provides enough cellulose to excite intestinal peritaltism and prevent constipation. Do not use laxatives. Of course, if there is an organic obstruction (tumor for example), the problem is different.

d) Third week.

-- Continue to take the lemon water in the morning and the fruits for breakfast.

--Midday: Green salad and raw vegetables and dry pancake or wholemeal biscuit, or slice of wholemeal bread, or potato, or potatoes or yams or bananas or taro or foufou corn or rice with a little vegetable oil and lean fish , without exceeding 1,500 calories per day. Eat little, eat right, and eat a balanced diet.

--Evening: A nitrogenous dish (cheese, egg, lean meat or fish, beans, etc.). A dish containing two or three cooked green vegetables. A little raw salad.

NB: You can add a little moringa powder to food. The skinny and nervous people can have a small pot of yogurt in the morning around 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. (one hour after lemon water). If they do not tolerate fruit, they can replace it with green vegetable or carrot juice.

When hungry for this third week, the body is rid of its toxins. But it is essential, in order to maintain this well-being, to adopt a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle (without tobacco, alcohol, and stress).

4-Quartile diet to lose pounds without suffering.

First week: for 7 days, you only take 75% of your usual ration, i.e. a reduction of 25%.

Second week: For 7 days now, you only take 50% of your pre-diet ration, a reduction of 50%.

Third week: During then 7 days, you take only 25% of your ration before the diet, that is to say a reduction of 75%.

Fourth week and following week: you continue as during the third week until you find the desired weight.

NB: You can accompany your diet with one of the herbal teas from the herbal teas for weight loss section. Once the goal is reached you must control your diet so as not to regain the lost pounds.

5-Diet to lose weight slowly.

Only one balanced meal per day, preferably at breakfast or lunch.

- 30 minutes before the meal a fruit of the season.

- Drink a glass of water in the middle of the meal and go up to 2 liters of water per day away from meals.

- Main meal very little fat and without dessert. Eat local without any complications.

- Follow the table below for your composition without exceeding 1500 calories per day.

Proteins of your choice




Learn meats



little or not



Yam or Taro


Fried meat

Moringa leaf soup

Banana or foufou banana

Little or no almonds

Fried fish

Raw vegetable

Foufou yam

Little or no nuts

Hard-boiled eggs

African leaf soup


Little or no hazelnuts


 Onions, garlic, lemons, pineapples, Seasonal fruits, etc.


A little rice



 Lemon curd

little cassava or derivatives.



 Grapefruit curd

Akassa or fermented corn flour



orange curd

Full bread


 -Red light: snacking, pastries, cold cuts, cakes, sweets, white sugar and alcohol in all its forms because of their calorie content and their tendency to excite the appetite when you need to reduce them.


- Green light: Drink unsweetened water with ripe lemon all day long and practice 45 minutes of walking every day.


NB: The body will draw from its fat reserves, everything it needs. You have stored enough. So do not be afraid, the feelings of hunger will disappear very quickly. In case of strong temptations, a vegetable broth without oil is enough or a small pot of 0% fat yogurt. Walk every day that God gives you, move around, garden, tinker, burn your calories, don't panic, your efforts will be rewarded.

Remember that rice and cereals provide more calories than bread and bread provides more calories than tubers. So in a weight loss diet, it is necessary to privilege the tubers (potato, taro, potato, yam and a few slices of toast). Reduce or eliminate oils (nearly 900 calories per 100g), cold cuts (pork), egg yolks, fermented drinks, wine and appetizers (600 calories per 100g). Beware of oilseeds and dried fruits because of their calorie content, take little rice and little corn foufou. Natural fruit juices without white sugar are tolerated without abuse.

Proteins of your choice Fibers Carbohydrates LipidsLean meatsVegetables appleLittle or not fishOkraYam or TaroGrilled meatsMoringa leaf soupBanana or banana foufou Little or no almondsGrilled fish Raw vegetablesYam foufouLittle or no nutsHard-boiled eggsAfrican leaf soupPotatoes Little or no hazelnutsese On Cheions, garlic, lemons, pineapples, Seasonal fruits, etc. A little riceLemon curea little cassava or derivatives. Grapefruit curdAkassa or fermented corn flour



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