Product 049: Natural product to treat Hemorrhoids

Natural product to treat Hemorrhoids. Here's how to end hemorrhoids with medicinal leaves. We offer you a better treatment.

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Organic product 049: Hemorrhoids Natural product Hemorrhoids

Description of Hemorrhoid Cream

Hemorrhoids, Natural remedy to treat Hemorrhoids effectively. A cream for natural hemorrhoid treatment is possible and much better for quick relief. Hemorrhoids cream quickly relieves, tones hemorrhoidal veins. The remedy is a good natural treatment for hemorrhoids. The product reduces the hemorrhoidal tumor and provides rapid well-being.

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The product

Hemorrhoids, Natural remedy to treat Hemorrhoids. The remedy is a traditional cream, a herbal grandmother's cream and green clay for rapid healing. The cream is absorbent and anti-inflammatory. It is absorbent and adsorbent. Please read everything because there are simple recipes here to properly treat Hemorrhoids.

Natural treatment of Hemorrhoids. A traditional cream, a herbal and green clay grandmother's cream for rapid healing.

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Hemorrhoids cream data sheet

NB: Afrique-tisane N°049: koko external hemorrhoids cream absorbs and heals inflammation. Good remedy. Good remedy for stubborn cases of external hemorrhoids.


- Ointment in jar


- Absorbent plant extracts, anti-inflammatory.

Active subtances

- Anti-inflammatory tannins

Price: 20 €

Therapeutic effects of hemorrhoid cream

Therapeutic effects

The cream is rich in absorbing and reducing elements. It slowly and surely absorbs the anal tumor until completely reduced. Relief is immediate. The cream absorbs and heals the inflammation. Good remedy for stubborn cases of external hemorrhoids. How does it work?


- Hemorrhoids, anal itching.


- Morning and evening, pass the cream into the anus on the evil until complete healing.

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NB: The Hemorrhoid Cream Remedy absorbs and heals the inflammation. Good remedy. Good remedy for stubborn cases of external hemorrhoids. The remedy can be used as a preventive measure and it is even highly recommended.

Simple recipe

The cream is complex to manufacture because it is a mixture of plants and essential oil and this requires know-how. We have received cosmetic training for this but you can use this simple remedy.

Make a mixture of shea butter and securidaca longepedunculata root (kpèta do in goun and yoruba in Benin and Dioro in Bambara RCI MALI snake tree in French). You combine it with remedy 048 for a speedy recovery.

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