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The miraculous plant nettle and its benefits on the prostate

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  • On 2022-03-24 at 19:15

Highly recognized in Europe and North America, nettle is a very valuable medicinal plant. It should indeed be noted that the great nettle (Urtica dioica) is a perennial herbaceous plant while the small nettle (Urtica urens) is an annual herbaceous plant, that is to say, requiring to be sown every year. Its name in fon is Azo. You will find it almost everywhere, but it grows especially on soils rich in organic matter. Recognized by its pointed, serrated leaves, very green and erect with stinging hairs, nettle is a medicinal plant with multiple virtues. Detoxifying, anti-anaemic, anti-inflammatory, nettle, an unloved plant, are not assets. Find out which ones and how to enjoy them, in soup, juice, herbal tea...

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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 25/03/2022

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The miraculous plant nettle and its benefits on the prostate: All about Nettle

General information on Nettle

The nettle grows almost everywhere, near houses, in gardens or ditches, and is 60 to 120 cm high. In summer, it bears clusters of flowers in the shape of tiny green balls. It is recognized by its green, pointed and serrated leaves, bristling with stinging, hard, cone-shaped hairs. Their tip breaks when touched, releasing a liquid that contains in particular formic acid and histamine, irritants for the skin.

We find there :

in the leaves, moderately anti-inflammatory compounds, antioxidant flavonoids, many minerals, detoxifying chlorophyll and interesting nutrients: vegetable proteins or vitamins;

in the roots, proteins are capable of binding to a sugar (lectins), in small quantities but very active, lignans and anti-inflammatory sterols.

A medicinal plant for various uses

The use of nettle is diversified according to the pathologies or disorders to be treated. However, it can be used as a soup, juice, herbal tea, etc. It promotes the improvement of the functions of several organs in the event of inflammation, to name only the prostate, the kidneys and the bladder.

How to pick a nettle without hurting yourself?

The stinging hairs being directed upwards, you must pinch the bottom of the stem and slide your fingers in the direction of the hair, always upwards before cutting it. Or wear gloves!

What if I still bite myself? Rub the irritated area with plantain leaves, a wild plant which, nature favours, grows nearby. Otherwise, a calendula ointment or a few drops of wine vinegar neutralize the stinging substances.

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The miraculous plant nettle and its benefits on the prostate: medical benefit of nettle

Medicinal Benefits of Nettle

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Detoxifying, nettle helps eliminate

Nettle facilitates the digestion of fats and decreases the absorption of sugars. It also causes the elimination of urea and uric acid, which offers the big advantage of avoiding gout attacks linked to excess uric acid.

Instructions for use: take 400 to 500 mg of dry extract per day, in “depurative” cures for two to three weeks, three times a year.

Nettle soup recipe: boil 1/4 l of water. Throw 2 handfuls of nettle leaves into boiling water just to blanch them. Then mix. Add a shallot, which will have previously sweated without colouring, a clove of garlic and a small piece of butter. We drink a cup before the three main meals.

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Nettle reduces prostate problems

It is its roots that men should use to reduce urinary disorders and curb the (benign) enlargement of the prostate.

How to use: prepare a decoction, at the rate of 1 teaspoon of dry roots per cup of water. Boil for 5 minutes then steep for 10 minutes. Drink one cup three times a day, for six months.

How to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia with nettle?

Adenoma or benign prostatic hypertrophy refers to the progressive inflammation of the gland. Affecting a quarter of men from the age of 50, this disease is manifested by difficulty in urinating.

As a reminder, the prostate surrounds the urethra, the channel provided for the evacuation of urine and semen. The swelling of the prostate, therefore, causes pain during urination, but also frequent urges to urinate. Inflammation can also reduce the flow of urine or, in the worst case, interrupt it.

To relieve and treat adenoma in phases I and II, drink a cup of herbal tea made from dried nettle root 3 to 4 times a day for 6 months. You can also take nettle root supplements.

Note that before taking these products and knowing the appropriate dosage, whether, for the decoction or the capsule, it is imperative to consult your doctor!

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Treatment of different inflammations with the aerial parts of the nettle

With the infusion of dried nettle leaves and flowers, you can relieve joint pain, arthritis and rheumatism, as well as allergic rhinitis. This treatment should be done for 2 to 3 weeks.

It optimizes the irrigation of the kidneys and the bladder in the event of inflammation, as well as the prevention and treatment of kidney stones. Nettle is also effective as an anti-anaemia! Indeed, fresh nettle extract corrects iron deficiencies.

Precautions to take into account before starting treatment

Nettle products have almost few contraindications, side effects and notorious interactions with other substances. They can therefore be used easily, but while respecting the dose prescribed by the doctor.

At the end of the clinical trials carried out, 2% of patients with enlarged prostate treated with nettle root showed adverse effects such as impotence or lack of libido.

For patients with oedema, it is contraindicated to take nettle for irrigation therapy.

To enjoy good efficacy, it is essential to drink plenty of water, especially if you are using nettle to treat prostate, kidney and urinary tract problems.

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Anti-anemic, nettle compensates for iron deficiencies

Nettle does a double job: not only does it facilitate the digestive absorption of iron, but it also helps it to bind to the haemoglobin of red blood cells.

"I gladly prescribe it in case of heavy menstrual bleeding to help, naturally, to replenish iron 'stocks'," says Dr Jean-Michel Morel, phytotherapist.

Instructions for use: in the form of a fresh plant extract, to be diluted in a glass of water, two to three times a day for one to three weeks.

Nettle juice recipe: throw in a blender 1 handful of nettle leaves, with 1 glass of water, 5 mint leaves and 1/2 apple for more sweetness. Prepare and drink every morning.

Anti-inflammatory, nettle relieves joint pain

In addition to anti-inflammatory compounds, the leaves contain calcium, silica and zinc which promote bone remineralization. Antioxidant, nettle also allows the regeneration of tissues. An ideal cocktail against arthritis and rheumatism.

Instructions for use: throw a handful of the whole (in equal parts) into 1 litre of boiling water, cut the boil and leave to infuse under a lid for 15 minutes before filtering. Drink throughout the day, for 10 to 15 days.

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How are the above-mentioned diseases treated with nettle?

To treat these diseases mentioned above, you can also use:

  • Fluid extracts: between 2 and 5 ml per dose.
  • Nettle soup to prevent gout attacks and eliminate excess uric acid: 2 handfuls of nettle leaves, a shallot, a clove of garlic and a little butter for the preparation.
  • Capsules, capsules or tablets: with a dosage of 300 to 700 mg.
  • Alcohol tincture: 2 to 5 ml to dilute in a glass of water.
  • Fresh juice: drink 6 to 10 ml of juice extracted from very fresh nettle. For an anti-anaemic effect, the treatment is done for at least 2 weeks.
  • Fresh leaves and nettle spirit: apply externally only and directly to the painful parts, several times a day.
  • It is good to remember that the dosage differs according to the product you have chosen and the disorders to be treated. But, generally, the catch must be done 3 times per day.

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