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Product 130: Purification of blood, arteries, veins, vessels

Purification of blood, arteries, veins, vessels. Purification of the blood by depurative and antioxidant herbal teas is essential to facilitate the elimination of toxins.

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Product 130: Purification of blood arteries veins vessels Natural blood purifier Natural blood treatment Remedy against dirty blood

Treatment 130: Purification of blood, arteries, veins, vessels

Blood flow

It is the blood that carries vital fluid and nutrients through the entire human body back and forth, and the slightest failure of the circulatory system will sooner or later result in disease. Our current lifestyle dominated by sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcoholism, obesity, diet too rich in salt, sugar and saturated fat, diet low in fiber and micronutrients, bad food, drugs, permanent stress, nervousness, fear, hatred, fear of the next day, crisis, underemployment, jealousy, pollution, eating too much meat, lack of sporting activity, clothing that is too tight does not facilitate blood circulation and good drainage of toxins. The arteries lose their elasticity or are too compressed, the veins lose their tone and their ability to easily bring blood back to the heart despite the effect of gravity.

You can contact us to get more informations on natural treatments.

The arteries

Under the impulse of the heart, the arteries send the blood loaded with vital elements to the cells and the veins rise the blood loaded with toxins towards the organs of purification whether you are in a horizontal or vertical position. By this process the blood is constantly purified, the toxins eliminated, the tissue cells and organs are nourished and rid at the same time of various waste products and toxins. For this purpose, our veins are equipped with valves which, by ratchet effect, prevent the blood from descending, but sometimes the valves weaken, function badly and part of the blood which descends stagnates in the veins, which causes swelling. or unpleasant sensations of tingling, prickling, itching, etc. This fact inevitably makes circulation problems all too common and nowadays 70% of women and 50% of men have circulation problems. Almost everyone over 40 has circulation problems.

Symptoms of poor blood circulation

The alarm bells of poor blood circulation are: etc. heavy legs, varicose veins, varicoceles, stretch marks, rosacea, edema, congestion of vessels, extremities of limbs that are always cold, migraines, tinnitus ringing in the ears, tingling, hot flushes, dizziness, erection problems in men, hemorrhoids, dirty and insufficient periods in women, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatigue, kidney failure,

The product

Purification, blood, arteries, veins, blood vessels. Depurative herbal tea, detoxification cure. This remedy is a good herbal tea to purify the blood, arteries, veins and blood vessels. Don't worry about getting and using. It's not toxic. Remedy 130: Purification of blood, arteries, veins, small vessels is a depurative of the entire circulatory system (arteries, veins, small vessels, heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, genital system, etc.). Its main role is to purify, sanitize the flues of the body and replenish the body with vital elements.




- 50g


- Plant extracts


- Depurative, diuretic, immunoreconstituent, antioxidant, etc.

Active subtances

- Depurative, immunoreconstituent, flavonoids, resveratrol, antioxidant, etc.


- Powder in jar or sachet or capsule


- Circulation problems, varicose veins, venous insufficiency, varicocele, hemorrhoid, tingling, buzzing, edema, phlebitis, heavy legs, tingling, excess cholesterol, obesity, anorexia, stones, etc.


- Read the leaflet

Side effects

- None

Duration of treatment

- One month of care with 4 sachets

Unit price

- 30 euros



- Powder in sachet or jar of 50g or in capsule


- Plant extracts

Active subtances

Depurative, diuretic, immunoreconstituent, antioxidant, etc.

Therapeutic effects

Herbal Tea No 130: Purification of blood, arteries, veins, small vessels is a thinner and purifier of the entire circulatory system (arteries, veins, small vessels, heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, genitalia, etc.). Its main role is to fluidify, purify, cleanse the flues of the body and replenish the body with vital elements. The herbal tea strengthens the heart, thins the blood, regulates tension, purifies the blood, cleans all the channels of the body and strengthens the capillaries. It is diuretic, stimulating, cardiotonic, venous and arterial tonic. It will be very useful in case of chronic diseases, intoxication, poisoning, bizarre diseases of doubtful origin, diseases of unknown cause, etc.

Herbal Tea N°130

It activates blood circulation, which increases the irrigation and oxygenation of skin cells Its main role is to purify, cleanse and replenish the blood and key organs with vital elements. Even people in perfect health should take this herbal tea every six months for complete health. This herbal tea is an effective cleanser of the whole organism. It is a universal panacea that purifies and restores the immune defenses in a short time. Herbal Tea No. 130: Detox circulation, arteries, veins, small vessels heals the body and mind, makes you more serene, improves memory and concentration. It is recommended to anyone without age limit because of its great power of purification and replenishment.

For any additional information contact us via WhatsApp or via e-mail.


Circulation problems, varicose veins, venous insufficiency, varicocele, hemorrhoid, tingling, buzzing, edema, phlebitis, heavy legs, tingling, fatigue, dirty and insufficient periods, female infertility, male infertility, low libido, etc.


 - €30

Side effects

- Diuretic, laxative and stimulant, it regulates bowel movements, increases urinary volume and perspiration.


- Read the leaflet


- Pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as people taking anticoagulant, antihypertensive or anti-inflammatory treatment

Moringa website

Detoxification or blood purification is mandatory every three months as a preventive measure of integral well-being. Please discover the great purifier of the blood.

Herbal Tea 130: Purification of blood, arteries, veins, vessels is a good remedy for all circulation problems: varicose veins, venous insufficiency, varicocele, hemorrhoids, tingling, buzzing, edema, phlebitis, heavy legs, tingling, excess cholesterol, obesity, anorexia, calculations, etc.

Purification of the blood by purifying and antioxidant herbal teas is essential to facilitate the elimination of toxins, drainage and well-being.

Treatment 130: Purification of blood, arteries, veins, vessels

Purification, blood, arteries, veins, blood vessels. Depurative herbal tea, detoxification cure. This remedy is a good herbal tea to purify the blood, arteries, veins and blood vessels.


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