Weight loss herbal tea

  1. Herbal teas for weight loss.

As I have always said, such a powerful herbal tea alone cannot give you long-lasting satisfaction if you do not change the way you eat. The same causes will always give the same effects and let no one cheat on you. Beware of illusionists who claim to make you lose 20kg in 5 days. This is a waste of water and nutrients, plus the risk of heat attack and thickened blood. I have chosen to tell you the truth and nothing but the truth. You need to understand the mechanism of weight gain before taking any herbal tea or following any diet. You must understand the cause of your obesity before committing to it. You must beware of strongly diuretic and strongly laxative herbal teas to favor astringent and emollient herbal teas. Diet and exercise are essential for eliminating fat and I advise you to read the slimming section carefully before committing.

Herbal tea 1 (For those who already have regular bowel movements).

In the middle of meals, take a teaspoon of powdered cailcedrat or khaya senegalensis or mahogany from Senegal (agao goto in goun and fon, diala in bambara, mawogen in mina).

NB: cailcedrat powder is a good astringent which tightens the tissues and eliminates fat.

Herbal tea 2 (For those who already have regular bowel movements)

Boil 200g of cailcedrat bark in two liters of water for 15 minutes. Let cool and strain.

Directions: Drink half a beer glass in the middle of meals.

Herbal tea 3 (anyone can use)

Products: 200 g of papaya roots + 7 lemons (cut each lemon in half)

Preparation: Add 2 liters of water and boil everything.

Directions: Drink a beer glass twice a day, away from meals

Herbal tea 4 (anyone can use)

Products: 200 g of cailcedrat bark + 100 g of senna leaves + 200 g of quackgrass roots + 2 liters of water.

Preparation: Boil everything for 10 minutes. Preferably leave in the pot.

Directions: Drink half a beer glass in the middle of meals. Top up the water each time and boil once a day. You can add the juice of a ripe lemon to each dose.

NB: Herbal tea 4 is a sovereign remedy for obesity and intoxication. This purifies the blood and the body of its toxins. Everyone should use it once a quarter because the body is always loaded with toxins which are the main causes of all diseases.

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