Garcinia Kola

Garcinia Kola




Garcinia kola or small kola is called «Niel» or «onye» in the forest region of Cameroun, and bita cola( bitter cola) in pidgin, also  Ahowé in  Goun and  Fon in  BENIN


Description and Uses

It is a large tree of medium diameter, reaching up to 20m in height. There are enough of them in southern BENIN, in Porto-Novo. The fruits are yellow-brown when ripe and each fruit often contains four small colas embedded in an acid flesh. At my young age, I picked it up for a long time until I broke my left arm in a fall and it hardly deterred me from doing it again. This tree pays big with its prized fruits and very hardwood. Everything heals on this tree. The bark, roots, leaves, and small colas have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, and antidiabetic properties. The seed is sought after for its stimulating, uplifting, aphrodisiac, anti-diabetic, bad cholesterol cleansing, and hepatic protective effects.


--Weakness and fatigue.

Eat a nut a day in small pieces.


Drink a bitter decoction of the rinds of garcinia kola.

- the little cola is a natural appetite suppressant. But don't abuse


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