


Concept of vitamins.

A vitamin is an organic substance necessary in infinitesimal quantities for the metabolism of living organisms and therefore of man, and which the organism in question cannot synthesize in sufficient quantity for its survival. Vitamins are micronutrients essential for vital exchanges and the maintenance of health. It must be provided regularly and in sufficient quantity through the diet. In humans, three vitamins are synthesized by intestinal bacteria: vitamins K, B8 and B12. Most vitamins are water soluble (vitamins A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B6, B12, etc.).

Insufficient intake or absence of vitamin respectively cause hypovitaminosis or avitaminosis which are the cause of various diseases (scurvy, beriberi, rickets, etc.), an excessive intake of fat-soluble vitamins (A and D mainly) causes hypervitaminosis, very toxic to the organism.

Study of some vitamins.

Vitamin A

--The role of vitamin A

Vitamin A is very antioxidant and plays a role in many functions of the body. It promotes good vision and the growth of bones. It maintains the health of the skin and protects the body against infections.

--The best sources of vitamin A

Offal, raw butter, milk, olive oil, peanut oil, egg, fatty fish, marinated herring

Several vegetables and raw vegetables: sweet potato, carrot, spinach, cabbage, squash, rutabaga, Cantaloupe.

More info: List of nutrients Vitamin A and Natural health products Vitamin A

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

- The role of vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 is necessary for the production of energy and participates in the transmission of nerve impulses as well as in growth.

--The best sources of vitamin B1

Whole grain or fortified cereal products, Certain vegetables and fruits (orange, green peas, etc.)

Legumes, Pork and offal, Wheat germ

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

- The role of vitamin B2

Like vitamin B1, vitamin B2 plays a role in the production of energy. It is also used for making red blood cells and hormones, as well as for tissue growth and repair.

--The best sources of vitamin B2

Whole grain or fortified cereal products, Poultry, Molluscs, Leafy green vegetables, Dairy products, Eggs

Nuts and seeds.

Vitamin B3 (niacin)

--The role of vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 helps in the production of energy. It also helps in the process of forming DNA (genetic material), allowing normal growth and development.

--The best sources of vitamin B3

Whole grain or enriched grain products, Fish (canned and fresh tuna, cod, salmon, etc.)

meat and poultry (liver, roast chicken, veal cutlet, etc.), peanuts

More info: Natural health products Vitamin B3

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)

--The role of vitamin B5

Nicknamed the "anti-stress vitamin", vitamin B5 is involved in the manufacture and regulation of neurotransmitters (messengers of nerve impulses) as well as the functioning of the adrenal glands. It plays a role in the formation of hemoglobin, skin and mucous membranes.

--The best sources of vitamin B5

Meat, Bran cereals, Salmon and cod, Hard-boiled eggs, offal, Sunflower seeds, Mushrooms.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

--The role of vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 plays an important role in mental balance by acting, in particular, on neurotransmitters (serotonin, melatonin, dopamine). Pyridoxine helps many other body functions, including building red blood cells, regulating blood sugar levels, and maintaining a healthy immune system.

--The best sources of vitamin B6

Turkey and chicken, Fish (tuna, salmon, cod), Canned chickpeas, Enriched cereals, Liver (from beef and other animals), Baked potato, Sesame and sunflower seeds.

Vitamin B8 (biotin)

--The role of vitamin B8

Vitamin B8 is necessary for the transformation of several compounds, in particular glucose and fats.

--The best sources of vitamin B8

Liver and organ meats, fish, soybeans and other legumes, cauliflower, egg yolk, nuts and seeds, whole grains.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

--The role of vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 is "the vitamin of pregnant women", for its protective effect against congenital malformations of the neural tube in the fetus. It participates in the manufacture of all cells in the body, including red blood cells. It plays an essential role in the production of DNA and RNA (genetic material), in the functioning of the nervous system and the immune system, as well as in the healing of

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