Trace elements

Trace elements.


Trace elements are metals or metalloids found in trace amounts in the body. The body cannot synthesize them. These are: manganese, copper, zinc, gold, silver, cobalt, aluminum, bismuth, fluorine, iron, iodine, lithium, magnesium, nickel, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur. They are found naturally in food, especially in fruits, vegetables and honey. Some foods are very rich in it: moringa leaf, baobab leaf, onion, garlic, lemon, egg, milk, pineapple, orange, grape, peach, grapefruit, spinach, cabbage, cherry, carrot. They play the role of catalyst, regulator, moderator, etc. Despite their small size, their importance is capital, even vital for the body. They intervene more by their presence than by their quantity. Their deficiency causes disorders that unfortunately no classic examination can reveal (fatigue, tingling, burning, allergies, migraine, fibroid, cyst, insomnia, impotence, vision and memory impairment, obesity, diabetes, etc.). So whenever the cause of an illness is unclear, you have to think about trace elements and lifestyle. The healer must therefore take the time to listen to the patient before choosing the trace elements to advise.

2-Where to find the trace elements.

a) Iron.

Iron exists in muscles, enzymes, blood serum and especially in the hemoglobin of red blood cells where it plays a key role in the binding and transport of oxygen. It is also involved in the metabolism of the liver, in the bone marrow and the spleen. Iron deficiency can cause anemia or hyposphyxia. On the other hand, excess iron can cause dwarfism, as well as osteoarticular dystrophies. Are rich in iron: egg yolk, lentil, dry beans, peas, gruyère, whole grains, hazelnuts, almonds, spinach, beef, mushrooms, dates, whole egg, etc.

b) Fluoride.

Fluoride is the building block of bones and teeth. Its fixation depends on phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and vitamins D and C present in the body. Fluoride slows down the development of certain tumors. Are rich in fluoride: whole grains, brown rice, tomatoes, grapes, radishes, figs, brown sugar, etc. Excess fluoride in food is not to be feared.

c) Silicon.

Silicon is one of the constituents of bones, hair, cartilage, in low doses, in the form of silica. It promotes calcification processes and plays a positive role in cancer prevention. It is found in garlic, whole grains, spinach, beans, lentils, legumes, millet, nettle, etc.

d) Zinc.

Zinc is needed for the activity of insulin secreted by the pancreas. Zinc is found in semen and in many hormones. It is a regulator of the pituitary gland. Zinc deficiency can cause diabetes, fatigue, sexual weakness, infertility, poor and painful periods, etc. It is rich in cereals, honey, spinach, lettuce, corn, peas, potatoes, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.

e) aluminum.

Aluminum balances moods and manages sleep. Dangerous in high doses, it is needed in low doses to prevent anxiety, insomnia and various neuritis. It is present in whole wheat, carrots, liver, beans, corn, melon, egg, peas, rye, Jerusalem artichoke, etc.

f) Copper.

Copper is involved in the formation of red blood cells and other hormones. A deficiency of copper and zinc can cause fatigue and premature ejaculation in men. Copper is found in oats, whole wheat, carrots, white cabbage, spinach, beans, almonds, hazelnuts, lettuce, peas, rye, tomatoes, etc.

g) Bromine.

Bromine is useful in pituitary processes. It facilitates sleep and nervous relaxation at low doses. It is found in melon, asparagus, artichoke, tomato, radish, cabbage, carrot, tangerine, etc.

h) Manganese.

Manganese is very effective in allergic conditions. Its deficiency can cause infertility, slow growth and cause debility. It is found in whole wheat, tree nuts, peanuts, barley, rice, spinach, beets, lettuce, watercress, dates, celery, apricots, etc.

i) Iodine.

Iodine regulates the metabolism of the thyroid gland and cleanses the blood. Its deficiency hinders the development of the fetus, causes abortions and is responsible for goiter. Iodine is found in seawater, carrot, lemon, watercress, strawberry, oyster, onion, orange, apple, whole wheat, lettuce, radish, etc. .

j) nickel.

Nickel is especially important in diabetes. It slows the growth of cancer cells and is useful in the p

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