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L'argile blanche


Whyte clay(the kaolin)

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what is clay?

Clay is a food and medecine cooked by ''mother nature''to feed and heal every human being.In the nature animal eat them to calm stomach aches,dirrhoea,micronutrient deficiency.Some pregnant women intintively eat blue kaolin (kalaba for BENIN or lopko for Ivory cost) to fill trace element and micro nutrient deficiency.Women used them as beauty mask to look good and as poultice to cure fibroids or tumor.Indeed, clay is a loose sedimentary rock, resulting from the decomposition of mineral species called "feldspars" composed mainly of alumina silicate and it can be easily shaped when it is soaked in water. It is usually found in nature in the form of a rock. It is made up of many minerals, such as: silica, aluminum, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, selenium, cobalt, manganese, lime. This makes clay a very powerful weapon against a significant number of diseases, and it may not yet occupy its full place.

Clay medicinal property

Clay has absorbing power,absorbing action , and antiseptiq virtues.It is a remedy endowed with the intelligence of nature.It identifies evil and neutralized.But one should not confuse about adsorbent and absorbent.When there is absorption,there is impregnation(the sponge absorbed water),when there is adsorption , there is fixation(the clay fixes the unwanted element( catches it)and takes it away to eliminate it.Clay adsorbs all impurities,toxic substances and elimnate them.Clay destroy pathogenic germs with dread efficiency.It does so intelligently,by not destroying the beneficial bacterial flora for health. It consolidates the tissues reached and heals wounds and wounds.The argile stops inflammation, attracts morbid, putrid matter, absorbs them and in this way purifies abscess.

White clay possesses a circatrisant power,remineralising and antiseptic virtues.It has many virtues that many of us still ignore.If you know all these benefits,you ,you could not do without it .It is found at a low price in all African  markets.

White clay is very rich in minerals and trace elements.The color of clay can vary depending on the iron oxide it contains.Kaolins, mean natural clays can be used orally to treat many digestive disorders.White clay is soft and remineralizing.It promotes the elimination of toxins.It is an anti-gray mine clay per excellence which will give your face a boost.

The clay successfully heals gastric disorders thanks to its great absorbing power; white clay is very rich in silica, aluminum and mineral salts. Taken on an empty stomach, in tablet or powder form, it literally lines the gastrointestinal mucous membranes, protects them, and helps in healing while absorbing toxins present in the digestive tract. As a result, clay is commonly used to treat all gastrointestinal pathologies and intestinal infections. White clay is particularly recommended for keeping the stomach flat, treating stomach aches and heartburn; works favorably in the healing of gastric ulcers, calms diarrhea and intestinal infections in general. Take advice from your phytotherapist or your pharmacist to benefit from the advantages of white clay.*

Here are some little recipes that will make your life easier and save you money.

Step 1

The properties of white clay White clay is strongly recommended for masks of dry skin.

It is also used in hair masks to revitalize brittle and devitalized hair. Moreover, it is also used as a "dry shampoo" when you can not wash your hair.

White clay is an effective mineralizer. Because it is rich in silica (silicon dioxide), it therefore facilitates the elimination of toxins.

It also has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect.

Very useful as a neutralizer for bad odors.

2nd step

Oral hygiene


Pour into a small bowl.

4 tablespoons of white clay.

1 level tablespoon of baking soda.

Some water.


Mix the three ingredients well until you make a paste.

Pour the resulting paste into a small plastic pot.

In the morning, slightly wet your toothbrush before plunging it into your preparation.

Cleansing clay mask: dry and sensitive skin

Pour a small amount of clay into a small bowl.

Add a little water, so as to obtain a rather thick dough, but flexible.

Apply it all over the face, avoiding the eye and lip area.

Leave the clay on your face to dry.

Then rub with your fingertips to remove the excess. Rinse your face with clean water.

Clay shampoo for hair

1 or 2 (depending on the density of the hair) tablespoons of white clay.

Sprinkle on the scalp.

Rub and leave on for 10 minutes.

Then brush until the clay is completely removed.

Stomach upset (liver attack) or intestinal maintenance

In a glass bottle, pour 3 tablespoons of clay.

Fill your bottle with water.

Shake and leave to act overnight.

The next day, drink only the clayey water, throughout the day.

Against bad odors

Place a large plate on top of a cabinet or shelf in the area to be sanitized.

Know that all these operations, except for dry and sensitive skin masks, can be done with green clay.

Stomach ulcers.

--Let every morning on an empty stomach, a homogeneous mixture of a teaspoon of kaolin powder and a tablespoon of honey.

- You can also eat a little kaolin every morning on an empty stomach.

NB: White clay (kaolin) can be found in all markets and pharmacies at low cost, but make the right choice. Primitive rock is complete and always preferable to refined rock.

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