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Made a woman fruitful

Plants and products to make a woman fruitful

Most of these are estrogen and cleansing herbs that cause ovulation, improve menstruation, unblock the tubes, and cleanse the genitals. These plants facilitate conception if there are no organic causes (tumors, synechia, etc.). These plants are naturally rich in active ingredients and micronutrients (alkaloids, vitamins E, vitamin C, zinc, iron, copper, etc.). These are Moringa oleifera, arachis hypogeo (peanut seeds), cnestis ferruginea (agbobiawun), alchornéa cordifolia (bark, stem, root), cyperus roturdus (tuber) Holarrhena floribunda (root), Phoenix dactylifera (date Petroselinum sativum), , vitex agnus castus, fagara, Spondias mombin (bark, akiklon goto), olive oil (virgin cold-pressed), black seed oil, rice germ oil, red palm oil, natural eggs, honey, rock salt, uvaria chamae (aylaha dô), ficus gnaphalocarpa, Xylopia æthiopica, securidaca longepedunculata, carissa edulis (ahanzo in goun), shallots, etc. Khaya senegalensis (Caïlcedrat, bark), chassalia kolly (root, atinjè in goun), potash, olax subscorpioidea (root, mitin or amitin in goun), newboudia levis (bark, dessré goto in goun), western Anacardium (bark, mahogany), lemon, etc.


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