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Lexicon of medical terms


bile acids: acids released by the gallbladder and playing a role in the digestion of fat.

analgesic: a substance that abolishes sensitivity to pain.

hookworm: parasitic worm living in the duodenum.

anthelln ntic: a substance that causes the expulsion of intestinal worms.

antiplatelet agent: a substance that prevents the aggregation of blood platelets.

antiamoebic: a substance that kills amoeba.

antianea ic: a substance that prevents a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

antiasth "ic: a substance that prevents fatigue.

antibacterial: -substance that decreases the growth of bacteria and can also destroy them.

anticoagulant: a substance that prevents blood clotting.

antidiabetic: a substance that lowers the level of glucose in the blood (hypoglycaemic).

antidiarrhoeal: a substance that stops diarrhea by reducing intestinal secretions or reducing intestinal motility.

anocytic antidre: a substance that reduces seizures due to drepanocytosis.

antiferental: a substance that decreases gas-producing fermentation in the intestine.

antifungal: a substance that decreases the growth of fungi and can also destroy them.

antiicteric: a substance that decreases the intensity of jaundice.

anti-inflammatory: a substance that reduces inflammation and the resulting pain.

antilithiasis: a substance that prevents and destroys gallstones or kidney stones.

antimalarial: a substance that fights against the onset of fever due to malaria by destroying the parasite.

antimitotic: a substance that prevents cell division.

antioedematous: a substance that opposes or decreases the appearance of edemas.

antipyretic: a substance that reduces fever.

antirachitic: a substance that opposes a bad calcification of the bones.

antiseptic: a substance that prevents the proliferation of pathogenic germs inside the body or on its surface.

antispasmodic: a substance that prevents contractures (spasms).

antitrichomonas: a substance that destroys trichomonads.

cough suppressant: a substance that reduces coughing fits.

anxiolytic: a substance that reduces anxiety.

arteritis: progressive obliteration of the arteries.

roundworm: parasitic worm living in the intestine.

asthma: an allergic condition resulting in difficulty in breathing.

gonorrhea: gonococcal urethritis.

bilharzia: parasitosis caused by schistosomes living in the human circulatory system.

fecal bowl: stool volume.

choleretic: a substance that increases the secretion of bile.

cholagogue: a substance that facilitates the evacuation of bile from the extrahepatic bile ducts, especially from the gallbladder.

cirrhosis: a liver disease caused by the progressive destruction of liver tissue.

colibacillosis: inflammation of the intestine caused by Coli bacillus.

colitis: inflammation of the intestine with intestinal fermentation.

depurative: substance having the property of eliminating impurities from the body.

diabetes: a metabolic disease characterized by a high level of sugar in the blood.

diuretic: a substance that increases urinary secretion.

drepanocytosis: inherited disease due to the presence of particular hemoglobin which deforms the red blood cells.

dysentery: diarrhea caused by a parasite or bacteria.

emollient: softening.

febrifuge: a substance that has the property of. bring down a fever. galactagogue: a substance that promotes milk secretion.

gastritis: inflammation of the stomach.

blood sugar: the level of sugar in the blood.

hemorrhoids: dilations of veins in the anal wall and rectum.

hemostatic: a substance that stops bleeding.

hepatitis: a disease caused by the liver by a virus.

hepatoprotective: protector of the essential functions of the liver.

. hypnofuge: a substance that keeps you awake.

hypoglycaemic: a substance that lowers the level of glucose in the blood.

lipid-lowering: a substance that lowers the level of lipids in the blood.

hypotensive: a substance that causes a drop in blood pressure.

jaundice: yellow coloration of the mucous membranes and integuments due to the increase in bilirubin.

insect repellent: a substance that repels insects.

intraperitoneal: injection of a substance through the peritoneum.

laxative: a substance that causes the acceleration of intestinal transit and the evacuation of stool.

leukemia: blood disease characterized by an overgrowth of stem cells in the bloodlines.

Oligospermia: it corresponds to an insufficient quantity of spermatozoa in the semen. Normally there are at least 20 million sperm per ml of semen. A number less than 10 million / ml may be responsible for infertility

Azoospermia: sperm fluid contains no sperm

Asthenospermia: it corresponds to a lack of mobility of the spermatozoa which experience difficulty in moving. There is normally at least 40% motile sperm in spermatozoides.In bellow of this threshold, we talk about asthenospermia.

Necrospermia: it is characterized by a high percentage of dead sperm (> 50%). It is often due to infections

Teratospermia: it corresponds to too large a quantity of malformed sperm and indicates the presence of an abnormally high rate of abnormal spermatozoa of around 50%

mollusc: substance which has the property of killing crustaceans.

neuralgia: discontinuous pain occurring in the territory of a nerve intermittently.

oxytocic: substance which excites contractions of the uterus, and which consequently hastens childbirth.

ear infections: acute inflammation of the middle ear.

malaria: parasitic disease caused by the development and multiplication of haematozoa of the genus Plasmodium.

pancreatitis: inflammation of the pancreas.

plasmodium: parasite responsible for malaria.

relaxing: substance which has the property of calming.

rhinitis: inflammation of the nose and respiratory tract.

taenifuge: substance which has the property of killing and provoking the evacuation of tapeworm.

ulcer: disease characterized by a deep and chronic loss of substance (ulceration) of the inner lining of the stomach and duodenum.

urethritis: inflammation of the urethra due to an infectious cause.

vaginitis: inflammation of the vagina.

varicose veins: abnormal dilation of veins.

vasodilator, vasoconstrictor: substances which have the property of dilating or contracting the veins and venules.

vermifuge: substance that causes the expulsion of intestinal worms.



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