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Vitex doniana

Vitex doniana


Common name: Black plum

African names - Wolof: lêg, lung, hOl - Bambara: koro, koroba, korofin, koto -Goun and Fon: Fontin.


Vitex doniana is strongly recommended as an anti-asthenic. The active parts are the peels and leaves in a sweet decoction for adynamic states and respiratory ailments. Its black fruits are rich in micro-nutrients and are very pleasant to the taste.


It is a tree 10 to 15 meters high. The leaves are

composed of 5 leaflets. The flowers are white sometimes spotted

purple. The fruits are dark green drupes then black when ripe.

Direction of use 

- Fatigue and feverish state.

Make a decoction of 15 grams per liter of leaves of

Vitex doniana and drink a cup after the meal.

--The leaves in decoction are diuretic and aphrodisiac.


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