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Ocimum basilicum

Ocimum basilicum

Common Name: Basilic

 Africains Name - Wolof: lebalep bu djigen, ngugum, gugunô - Bambara: suholan - Peuhl: guguma - Hausa: dai doya ta gida -Goun and  Fon : Késou késou.


The leaves are used in the whole of WEST African in infusion for fever, dysentery, and toothache treatments. The leaves can be used to chase away mosquitoes. The greatly used concern digestion and antispasmodic stimulant.



Shrub of 30 to 40 cm of height with quadrangular steam.

The leaves are simple, opposite, denticulate in the superior part. The white leaves are terminal. L’ocimum canum (akôhoun en goun) is very close to the aspect with l'Ocimum basilicum. Both grow up easily in the garden, likes humidity, and smell good perfume.


Curative Action 

The fresh shrub contains an essential oil that confers to the plant its stimulants properties for antispasmodic digestion.

Direction of use 

Digestion Stimulant 

--Made an infusion of 15 grams of the fresh shrub in a liter of water and drink a glass before sleeping.

--We recommend the leaves infusion to the patients suffering from gastric, constipation, and stomach cramps.

--Old persons say that this shrub brought luck.


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