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euphorbia-hirta.pngFrench: Malnommée; small spurge.

African names - Wolof: Mbal - Bambara: Dada dablé - Hausa: Nonan Kurchiya - Goun and Fon: Noncika or akoligwé soun vèvè. Yorouba: nyahounariya.


In Asia and in some African countries like Nigeria, this plant is known as a medicine against asthma, bronchitis, respiratory diseases. In West Africa, Euphorbia hirta is best known as Galactagogue, antibiotic, and anti-dysenteric. The whole plant treats asthma, bronchitis, and urinary tract infections.


It is a small grass with an erect or recumbent stem that does not exceed 40 centimeters in height and which grows on the edges of roads in all climatic regions. The leaves are oval, most often reddish. The flowers are small and yellowish. This plant is found throughout Africa.

Direction of use

- Antidiarrhoeal - Antiasthmatic

Euphorbia hirta can easily be used to get rid of amebiasis or dysentery. It is enough to drink three days in a row a decoction of 100 grams of the plant in water. Likewise, this preparation eliminates asthma attacks by dilation of the bronchi.

- An infusion gives milk to the young mother.

--A decoction of the whole plant with a little ash treats urinary tract infections.


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