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CYMBOPOGON  giganteus



French: Wild lemongrass; Wolof: Benfala; Hausa: Saber; Mossi: Kuware; Baoulé: Awendé; Bambara: Sé kala; tiékala, GOUN; gbézen.

Hyparrhenia hirta (or Cymbopogon giganteus, is a species of herbaceous plant in the Poaceae family native to Africa.

1 to 3 m high, this perennial plant grouped in a tuft has spearhead-shaped (lanceolate) leaves 15 to 60 cm long and 8 to 30 mm wide.

It is found in Africa in particular in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda but also in North America, South America (Brazil, Peru for example), Madagascar, Australia, southern Europe among others.

In northern Cameroon, the Duupa especially use the leaves of this plant to neutralize the smell of a salty sauce made from bullfighting meat that has been left to dry on tree branches and which has decomposed.

Cymbopogon giganteus Chiov (Poaceae) is a tropical savanna plant renowned in traditional medicine for its antihypertensive and antifungal activity (1). The drug is the inflorescences.

The stem and leaves are used against bronchitis, to treat states of psychosis and anxiety. The leaves are used to treat gingivitis and vesicular stoma.

The roots treat toothaches, gingivitis, and mouth sores.

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