Cymbopogon citratus

Cymbopogon citratus


Common name: Citronella

Goun and Fon: Tea man.

Use ;

The leaves are widely used in decoction as a refreshing and digestive drink. On the other hand, a decoction of the leaves and roots is widely used as a febrifuge. Lemongrass is widely used in Africa for breakfast as a tea infusion.


It is a perennial herb with large leaves up to a meter in height and with a lemony smell when crumpled. Flowers are scarce even in the rainy season. It is cultivated in gardens.


--Stomach pain and digestive problems.

Make an infusion with 15 g of fresh leaves in a liter of water. Drink after the meal.

- Insect repellent

The smoke given off by the dried leaves that are left to burn slowly repels insects.




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