Carica papaya


vulgar Name  : Papaya.

African Name - Wolof: papayo--Bambara: papiu, papia- Peuhl: papayi, papayo

-Goun and  Fon : Gbakpè.



It is a plant native to Central America introduced and cultivated around villages and in African gardens. The medicinal uses of papaya are varied, but we can distinguish three main properties: anti-icteric (all parts of the plant: leaves, fruits, and bark), dewormers (fruit latex), diuretics (roots and leaves). jaundice, treatment is to boil a cooked green fruit with chicken and add Tinospora bakis roots to it. It is an unappetizing drug but it is effective for yellowing.


It is a small fruit tree reaching 2 to 10 meters in height at

was straight. The leaves are grouped. All parts of the plant contain latex. Papaya is most often dioecious. The fleshy fruit is an ovoid berry *, varying in size, shape, and color depending on the variety. It should be noted that the tree being dioecious, we do not know when planting the seeds whether we are going to have a female or male tree. If the fruit seems scarce, it is usual to cut the trunk of the tree transversely with a machete downwards and towards the sun. This apparently makes it possible to transform a male and sterile tree into a tree that bears fruit.

Direction of use 


boil a cooked green fruit with chicken and add Tinospora bakis roots to it


To get rid of pinworms, whipworms and roundworms, take 4-8 grams of fresh latex for children and double for adults. Then take a laxative to eliminate the worms.

NB: Find out more in the section, papaya tree of life.



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