Cajanus cajan

Cajanus cajan

Cajanus cajan


Cajanus cajan

French: Pois d'Angole. Wolof: cepou toubab GOUN: Klékoun.

Common names: Angolan peas, Pigeon peas

African names - Hausa: waken-rnasar, waken-turawa, Goun and Fon: klékoun.


The plant is used in traditional medicine for Anti-diarrhea and depurative. The seeds are a good source of protein as a legume. But the cooking lasts well like the BENIN red bean.


It is a plant that can reach 3 meters in height. The alternate leaves consist of 3 leaflets. The flowers are brownish-yellow. The fruit is a linear pod that contains several seeds. It grows all over West Africa.

Curative action

The leaves in infusion are anti-diarrheal and strongly diuretic. In decoction, it lowers blood pressure very quickly.

Direction of use


In the presence of diarrhea, make a decoction of 15 grams of leaves in a liter of water and drink during the day. The herbal tea obtained by an infusion of the leaves is good in detoxification treatments because it is strongly depurative.


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