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 boerhaavia-diffusa.pngWolof : Omi gelem GOUN : Katchonayi assi


The type Boerhavia, from Nyctaginacées family, have kind of Boerhavia diffusa et Boerhavia repens be

The genus Boerhavia, of the Nyctaginaceae family, has six species Boerhavia diffusa and Boerhavia repens being the best known by traditional healers and, sometimes, confused by the population. Boerhavia diffusa L. is a plant characterized by its cotyledons and opposite leaves of different sizes. It is very common around villages, in empty lots and gardens of large towns. The leaves are oval with wavy edges and almost fleshy. The bright red to purple flowers are assembled in loose cymes, much-branched. They are no more than a millimeter in diameter and are grouped in small groups of 2 to 5 flowers, at the end of a loose, much-branched inflorescence. The fruit is a 4 mm long capsule with 3 to 5 ribs longitudinal and provided with small glandular hairs.

Use :

--The whole plant is mainly used in decoction or infusion as an anti-icteric diuretic especially in viral hepatitis, and to treat whitlow and infected wounds.

--It is very effective as a preventive and curative of African swine fever. The leaves and stems are used as a diuretic, anti-icteric, and juice in purulent conjunctivitis, paronychia, and infected wounds.


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