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Hemorrhoids are from anormal dilatation of veins in (internal hemorrhoids) or around  the anus (external hemorrhoids).

It is a common disease related to adulte,about one person on two is concern in his life with hemorrhoids.

When the cause of hemorrhoids is not hereditary,there are often provoke by the increasing of abdominal pressure:this lead to vein dilatation in the anal.

Let's us remark that hemorrhoids are in fact existing veins from the anal region and there are agitated termination of digestif organs.So when we talk   or saying that someone have hemorrhoids, it is in some cases a language abuse litteraly knowing that everybody have one.It is therefore  more accurate to talk about hemorrhoidal crises.


Hemorrhoids (hemorrhoidal crises) can be caused or made worse by:

- heredity (genetic causes)

- constipation (1st cause of hemorrhoids)

- pregnancy (especially during the last trimester)

- venous hypertension

- excess weight

- heart failure

- lack of exercise (little sport, sedentary lifestyle).

- a diet too rich in spicy dishes or alcohol


Simple measures prevent the onset of hemorrhoids

Hydrate sufficiently

Drink at least 1.5 L of water per day

Go to the toilet

Do not strain during defecation

Holding your breath during a bowel movement

Have a bowel movement on a regular basis so as not to harden the feces

Avoid sitting for too long on the toilet seat, which causes the rectal muscles to relax and slows blood supply to the anal area

Daily care

Adopt good anal hygiene

Avoid carrying too heavy objects

Avoid carrying too heavy objects, a situation that increases venous pressure.

Have a physical activity

Regular physical exercise helps maintain good blood circulation

Watch your weight

Losing weight if you are overweight


Consume foods high in fiber (fruits, pulses, dried fruits, whole grains, etc.)

Favoring factors

Hemorrhoids can be caused or made worse by

A family predisposition

Constipation: constipation remains one of the leading causes of hemorrhoids

Pregnancy, especially in the first few months



Certain Professions favoring sitting for too long, such as those of taxi or truck drivers for example

Sedentary lifestyle: lack of physical activity

Certain sports like horse riding for example.

Loss of rectal tone

People at risk

The following people at risk may have hemorrhoids more regularly:

- constipated people

- people with a family history of hemorrhoids

- pregnant women

- people over 50 years old

- people with heart or liver disease


Too low in fiber

Too rich in spices or alcohol: this notion is now called into question


Hemorrhoids affect more than 1 in 2 people at some time in their life.

They affect all age groups but are more frequent with age

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins that form in the veins of the anus and rectum

Hemorrhoids are caused by permanent pressure on the rectal or anal veins, such as sitting for a very long time.

There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal hemorrhoids, located inside the anus and external hemorrhoids, located outside the anus.

Internal hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids are located inside the rectum and are not very visible.

They rarely cause pain

They are sometimes accompanied by bleeding during defecation.

They cause episodes of itching and inflammation of the rectal area.

These hemorrhoids are classified into 4 degrees, from simple swelling in the anal canal to the occurrence of several hemorrhoids very externalized and causing significant discomfort.

External hemorrhoids

They form under the skin and cause swelling in the anus.

They can be itchy

They cause discomfort, inflammation, itching, a burning sensation and sometimes pain.

They can also form a prolapse.


They cause scant, bright red bleeding, occurring during defecation.

They are the most common cause of bleeding during bowel movements.

If the bleeding is not caused by stool and is dark in color, it means it may be coming from the colon, and further tests will be needed to rule out colon cancer.

Consult your doctor

The presence of hemorrhoids requires consulting your doctor, especially when bleeding occurs


The diagnosis of hemorrhoids is made by a doctor. They will usually do a physical examination and take a history. One of the main difficulties is to rule out other more serious illnesses which could present similar symptoms (eg blood in the stool). Anoscopy can also be done


Hemorrhoids rarely cause serious complications. However sometimes there can be a constriction of the hemorrhoids at the level of the anus which causes strong pain in a lasting way. In rare cases a clot can form in the veins, this is called thrombosis.

Good advice

-Eat a diet rich in fiber, based on vegetables, fresh fruits or dried fruits. This is to limit constipation (this condition promotes hemorrhoids).

- Avoid eating too spicy dishes.

- Exercise or sport regularly, this promotes transit and reduces constipation (source of hemorrhoids).

- As soon as you feel the urge to have a bowel movement; go there, don't hold back.

- Have regular anal hygiene, for example using medicinal pads after each bowel movement.

- Drink enough water (1.5 to 2 l), this also prevents constipation.

- Avoid taking very powerful laxatives for too long (>> see our section on constipation and treatments).

In fact, in the event of constipation, if possible, use non-irritating laxatives or dietary measures (mainly drink and eat fiber).


There are several types of hemorrhoid treatments.

Anti hemorrhoidal treatments consist of relieving pain and reducing inflammation which plays an important role during hemorrhoidal outbreaks.

Local treatments

Local treatments include creams, ointments or suppositories.

Some of them contain for example a derivative of cortisone and others a lubricant.

They are prescribed for a few days when the manifestations are not too severe.

These treatments have not been shown to be effective in preventing hemorrhoids.

The use of sitz baths, the use of cold, sitz baths, local anesthetics have not shown their effectiveness.

Cortisone creams or ointments

Corticosteroid creams or ointments are prescribed by a doctor.

They have an anti-inflammatory effect

They cause rapid improvement

This treatment is used for a short period of time, around a few days, according to the advice of the prescribing doctor.


Lubricants are used to prevent episodes of constipation, factors that aggravate or trigger hemorrhoids.

The combination of several local treatments is not indicated.


Local laxatives, such as enemas for example, are not recommended or else quite exceptionally

Anti hemorrhoidal preparations: Take the advice of your doctor before using them

Many anti hemorrhoidal preparations, in the form of cream, ointment or suppository, are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

They can provide relief from manifestations.

These products should only be used for a few days.

The advice of a doctor is strongly recommended

Oral treatments

Above all, calm pain and inflammation

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics may be advised to reduce pain and inflammation.

An analgesic, such as paracetamol, helps relieve pain.

Aspirin is not recommended because of the bleeding it can cause.

For pregnant women, seek the advice of their doctor.

Improve venous flow: venotonics?

Venotonic drugs, also called phlebotonics, have long been prescribed in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Their effectiveness is questioned and they have not been reimbursed by the health insurance fund since January 2008.

They can be used as a short course after medical advice.

Fight against constipation

Treating episodes of constipation or preventing its onset remains essential

A diet rich in fiber

Drink enough water.

The prescription of a mucilage by a doctor can sometimes be considered.

Bleeding: medical advice is required

The onset of bleeding requires medical advice

Local instrumental gestures and surgery

Incision of a hemorrhoid and extraction of the clot under local anesthesia in cases of hemorrhoidal thrombosis.

The instrumental treatments carried out during the consultation: elastic ligatures, sclerosis and photo coagulation: they strengthen the support of internal hemorrhoids by creating a scar zone at their top, but do not make hemorrhoids disappear.

A surgical procedure, called a hemorrhoidectomy, consisting in destroying the hemorrhoids, is sometimes considered, in particular during a hemorrhoidal constriction.

Before taking specific treatments for hemorrhoids, you can start by taking a pain reliever, eg. based on paracetamol to calm the pain, particularly effective and recommended during hemorrhoidal crisis.

Different more targeted treatments against hemorrhoids exist:

1. To treat internal hemorrhoids

Suppositories based on anesthetic (for example, lidocaine) and other therapeutic substances. Different preparations on sale in pharmacies, ask your pharmacist for advice- Venotonic drugs: plant-based tablets, such as witch hazel, different preparations on sale in pharmacies. Medicine based on flavonoids, medicine to be taken during the hemorrhoidal crisis 6 times a day for 3 to 4 days.

2. To treat external hemorrhoids

- Ointments, medicinal towels: ointment based on anesthetic (for example based on lidocaine) and other caring substances, various preparations on sale in pharmacies, ask your pharmacist for advice.

- Venotonic drugs: plant-based tablets, such as witch hazel, various preparations on sale in pharmacies. Flavonoid-based medicine (Daflon®), medicine to be taken during the hemorrhoidal crisis 6 times a day for 3 to 4 days.

- Seating baths based on witch hazel.

Note that there are also other treatment possibilities for hemorrhoids, in particular for external hemorrhoids that are resistant to drug treatments, these are mainly surgical treatments (operation).

Talk to your doctor who will give you the best information on the most appropriate treatment for you.

Treatment with traditional African medicine

External hemorrhoids

Make sitz baths, with 3 pieces of crushed bark of Mangifera Indica (mango), macerated for 1 night in 5 liters of water. 2 X / J.

Boil the dry or fresh leaves of lemongrass in 5 liters of water

Then do a sitz bath for 20 minutes.

Internal and external hemorrhoids.

- Your diet should be rich in fiber (raw vegetables, fruits and vegetables, African leafy sauce, etc.)

--Reduce flour and especially white rice.

- Take wholemeal bread instead of white bread.

--Drink two glasses of water every morning on an empty stomach.

- Take the papaya 30 minutes before each meal.

- Make a papaya cure from time to time.

- Chew food well and eat in a good atmosphere.

--Take a fruit 30 to 45 minutes before meals but never fruit after meals.

--Drink a glass of water at the table and up to 1.5 liters of water away from meals.

- A life without tobacco and alcohol except moderately red wine.

Herbal teas.

- Make a decoction from a bunch of Cassia leaves. Italica, laïdour in Wolof + the fruits of Tamarindus indica dakhar in Wolof + 2 glasses of water, drink the decocté.

- Eat every morning for breakfast a good piece of Carica papaya, ripe papaya (adults and children)

- An infusion of senna leaves fights constipation well. but to be used in moderation.

--Each morning on an empty stomach, take a tablespoon of olive oil and lemon. Very good remedy.

--Drink an infusion of cassia alata leaves (amasoun in goun)

--Green tea is also recommended or even mint tea.

--Take as a food supplement, the powder of moringa leaves.

--Pile a bunch of Ocimum basil (basil) leaves, squeeze 3 lemons on top and sift, put in a glass bottle, add water and give three tablespoons a day to drink.

NB: For a good long-term treatment, please contact us.


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