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Am I obese?


Am I obese?

The ideal weight does not exist in absolute terms. The most important thing is to feel good about yourself, but there are limits. The weight of a subject varies according to heredity, constitution, basic morphology, age, sex, lifestyle, mental state, physical condition, lifestyle, etc. Two formulas allow you to have a certain orientation:
--The Lorentz formula. Only takes into account the size of the subject:

-For men: Weight in kg = height in cm-100- [(height in cm-150) / 4].

-For women: Weight in kg = height in cm-100- [(height in cm - 150) / 2.5]

- Creff's formula takes into account morphology, height, and age.

- In a subject of normal morphology: Weight = height in cm-100 + (Age in years) x 0.09
- In a subject of slender morphology: Weight = height in cm -100 + (Age in years) x 0.081
- In a subject of large morphology: Weight = height in cm - 100 + (Age in years) x 0.099

NB: No formula is perfect and you can do the half sum of the two. Either way, your actual weight must be in the range of plus or minus 5% of theoretical ideal weight otherwise you are lean or obese.

The causes of obesity
Obesity is increasingly seen as a disease or at least a risk or inconvenience factor. However, it must be placed in the psychophysiological context of each individual and be treated in this environment. Everyone must be able to feel good in their body as long as they are healthy and free from their living environment. For example, in Mauritania, the very obese woman is well appreciated, and in BENIN and TOGO, we like very chubby women. Everyone must gain weight and be in relation to normal. Overall obesity is characterized by abnormal fat overload which leads to an increase in weight exceeding at least 10% of the theoretical ideal weight. The increase in weight can be sudden or gradual and there are many causes of obesity. We distinguish obesity by bad life (overeating, unbalanced diet, force-feeding, snacking, lack of physical exercise, abuse in sweets, etc.), or of endocrine origin (hypothyroidism, hypercorticism). Obesities of hypothalamic origin, with lesions centers of hunger and satiety, exist but are rare.

-Overeating is the main cause of obesity. It is impossible to gain weight without eating because the only source of energy material we have is food. Overeating, therefore, involves an excess of overall intake and poor distribution of excessively rich foods (carbohydrates, fats, pastries, cookies, feedings, sweets, etc.). The body converts excess calories into fat reserves for survival. Keep in mind that to gain weight without physical exercise is to gain fat and not muscle. Many obese nibbles and are heavy eaters, but others do not eat more than normal. Thus overeating cannot be considered the only cause of obesity.

-The inheritance is not to be neglected. There are families of obese people. This is often due to poor eating habits acquired from childhood, but also to the hereditary transmission of food assimilation disorders.

-Lack of physical exercise is also an important factor that promotes the accumulation of fat. Indeed, during a sports activity, for example, we consume sugar but also fats, which prevents their accumulation and storage. Part of the treatment for obesity is exercise.

- Psychic factors also play a role. Studies of the psychology of the obese often reveal the presence of nervous causes of obesity (both male and female). Emotional shocks, anxiety, fear of illness, idleness, the imbalance between instincts (decreased libido and exaggerated appetite instinct) particularly promotes obesity. Sometimes you have to go back to childhood to determine the origin of pathological eating behavior (cravings, bulimia).

Conclusion and diet

In conclusion, obesity is above all a problem of nutrition because overeating remains the major cause of its constitution. The treatment, therefore, consists of a restrictive diet that forces the body to draw on its fat reserves and an increase in the subject's activities to accelerate the loss of fat and prevent weight loss due to a loss of muscle mass.
The diet should not be too severe to allow fat loss without excessive fatigue and muscle wasting. The diet must be low in calories (carbohydrates and lipids) and rich in raw vegetables. That is to say, we will limit the daily food intake and choose foods low in calories (raw vegetables, vegetables, fish, and lean meats). For example 30 years old man moderately active needs 2500 calories, 50 years old sedentary needs 2000 calories. An active man and woman can go beyond 3000 calories per day. You had to melt slowly and surely with wisdom without too much suffering.

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