
blood groups and their diets

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  • On 2022-04-06 at 20:10

The composition of blood is the same for all humans, but the antigens found on blood cells - erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), thrombocytes (platelets) - and certain plasma proteins such as immunoglobulins vary from person to person and define blood groups, among other things. This article will help you learn more about the different blood group systems, the different diets, and their advantages and disadvantages.

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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 07/04/2022

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The ABO system, which classifies different blood groups, was discovered in 1900 by Landsteiner. These blood groups are four in number (A, B, AB and O) and are differentiated by the presence, absence or combination of A or B antigens on the surface of red blood cells.

We have three types of A, B and AB antigens and four blood groups. Group A has only A antigens on the surface of red blood cells (and anti-B antibodies) Group B only Bs (and anti-A antibodies), and Group AB has both types of antigens but no antibodies. Group O is characterized by the absence of these two types of antigens and the presence of both antibodies.

GroupAntigen on red blood cell antibodies in serum

AA or (A and O) anti-B

BB or (B and O)anti-A

ABA and Bno antibodies for the system

anti-A and anti-B

blood group diet


Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Food Choices

Limited variety for groups O, A and B.

In practice

Need a lot of motivation to be followed especially for groups A and O.

Moderately easy to follow in the short term, difficult in the long term.

Quite difficult to follow outside the home.

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Depending on the groups, possible deficits.

Group O: Calcium, vitamin D, cereal fibre, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B9

Group A: Iron, protein

Group B: Cereal fibre, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B9, magnesium

Group AB: normally none

The origins

These diets were discovered by the American James D'Adamo. After his studies in naturopathy in the late 1950s, he did internships in spa centres in Europe. It is customary in these places to serve a low-fat vegetarian diet, and Mr D'Adamo could only observe how spa guests react differently to this diet. Some even seemed to be worse off. He deduces that there had to be a way to determine the different nutritional needs of patients. Based on the principle that blood is the main carrier of nutrients, he decided to have his patients' blood types analyzed and study the effect of different dietary protocols on them. In 1980 he published a book called One Man's Food in which he compiled his observations and nutritional advice. (The title is taken from the phrase "one man's food is another man's poison".)

However, it was James D'Adamo's son, Peter, also a naturopathic graduate, who developed the hypothesis and made it known to a wide audience. In 1996, he published the book Eat right 4 your type, translated in 1999 under the title 4 blood groups, 4 diets.

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blood groups and their diets: diet and principle

The main principles

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Prevent several viral and bacterial diseases.

Losing weight.

Fight against cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, protect the liver, etc.

Slow down the body's ageing process.

Cure Ovarian Dystrophy Naturally

The main lines

The hypothesis of this diet is based on the fact that each type of blood has a particular chemical composition, including different antigens. However, certain chemical compounds specific to food could, according to Adamo's hypothesis, stimulate these antigens to produce antibodies, then causing damage to the body. Therefore, the diet recommends eating only foods that suit our blood type.

Blood groups have differentiated over millennia. Briefly, according to this hypothesis, people of the only blood group present in the time of hunter-gatherer men tolerate grain products poorly and should consume a lot of animal protein. Blood type A, which emerged at the time of the discovery of agriculture, calls for a vegetarian diet. Both men and women in group B - found first among nomadic peoples could consume a wider variety of foods, as could those in group AB.

In the four blood groups, certain foods are to be avoided (depending on their chemical composition), even if they are healthy. People in groups B and AB, for example, can eat turkey but not chicken!

For each blood group, foods are classified as follows: beneficial, neutral, to avoid. The recommendation is to consume mostly very beneficial foods, very few neutral foods and no foods to avoid.

Finally, all blood types should ban pork, smoked salmon, rhubarb, wheat bran, coconut, ice cream, corn and peanut oils, black pepper, and vinegar.

In addition to telling us what foods to eat and what to put aside, Peter D'Adamo describes temperament according to blood type, the physical activities to favour, the dietary supplements to take and even the lifestyle to adopt.

Typical one-day menu for each blood group

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Group O

Group A

Group B

A-B group

Morning meal

  • sprouted wheat bread
  • rice drink
  • Figs and pineapple
  • groats
  • soy beverage
  • Grapefruit
  • Coffee
  • quinoa porridge
  • Almond drink
  • Orange juice
  • Linseed
  • Coffee
  • Spelt bread toast
  • Cashew butter
  • Raspberries
  • Green tea


  • Ground beef
  • Broccoli
  • Brown rice
  • carrot juice
  • Black bean salad
  • Rye bread
  • Halibut fillet
  • Brown rice
  • Green beans, cauliflower, carrot
  • Lentil soup
  • Spelt crackers
  • Celery and carrot crudités
  • blueberries
  • Yoghurt


  • Salmon
  • Spinach salad with olive oil and lemon juice
  • Prunes
  • Green tea
  • Tofu
  • Millet
  • Coleslaw
  • Strawberries
  • ground bison
  • Potato
  • Salad with lettuce, cucumber, onion, alfalfa and olive oil
  • Turkey
  • Wild rice
  • asparagus

Foods to consume and banish for group O

People being O have the same blood group as one of our very first ancestors, the man of Cromagnon, whose diet at the time was mainly composed of proteins from animals brought back after trying hunting parties. They must therefore favour meat-based dishes and practice a sustained sporting activity.

Foods that promote weight loss are:

- Red meat
- Seafood
- liver
- kale, spinach, broccoli
- iodized salt (in limited and reasonable quantity)
- kelp (seaweed)

Ladies, be careful not to exceed 140 g per portion of meat during your meals. Do not eat more than 4 to 6 times/week of red meat and 2 to 3 times/week for poultry if you are European, 5 to 7 and 1 to 2 if you are African, 3 to 5 and 3 to 4, if you are, are Asian. The most beneficial dishes are lamb, beef, calf's liver, mutton, game meat...

Regarding molluscs, fish and crustaceans, the ideal portion is between 115 and 170 g and should not be consumed more than 3 to 5 times a week for a European, 1 to 4 for an African and 4 to 6 for an Asian. It is better to give preference to pike, hake, swordfish, salmon, sardines

- 60g of cheese and 115 to 170g of yoghurt, 0 to 3 times/week for Europeans and Asians and never for Africans
- 1 egg 3 to 4 times/week for Europeans, 5 for Asians and never for Africans
- 115 to 170 ml of milk once a week if you are European, up to twice if you are Asian and never for Africans

Finally, as far as fruits and vegetables are concerned, we only go for vegetables

Foods to ban

Foods that promote weight gain are:
- the corn
- wheat gluten
- red and white beans
- lentils
- cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower
- mustard leaves

Foods to avoid more generally are pork, goose, barracuda, caviar, catfish, camembert, cheddar, Emmental, milk, ricotta, eggplant, avocado, black olives, potatoes, shiitake, button mushrooms, clementines, strawberries, blackberries…

Foods to consume and banish for group A

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Blood type A is directly related to the development of agriculture. This led to a sedentarization of our ancestors and therefore a total upheaval in lifestyles. The diet is mainly vegetarian.

Foods that promote weight loss are:

- vegetable oils
- soy and its derivatives
- pineapples
- the vegetables

Regarding meat and poultry:

Be careful not to ingest more than 140 g per serving during your meals. For lean red meats, the recommended amount is once a week maximum if you are African or Asian. For Europeans, it is totally discouraged unlike poultry, which can be present on your menus up to 3 times/week (the same dose recommended for Africans). If you are Asian, you should consume it between one and four times a week.

Regarding molluscs, fish and crustaceans:

The ideal portion is between 115 and 170 g and should not be taken more than 1 to 4 times a week for a European or Asian and 0 to 3 for an African. It is necessary to favour carp, whiting, grouper, sardines, rainbow or sea trout…

For dairy and eggs, limit yourself to:

55 g of cheese, 2 to 4 times/week for Europeans, 1 to 3 for Africans and never for Asians
- 115 to 170 g of yoghurt, 1 to 3 times/week for Europeans, 0 to 3 for Asians and never for Africans
- 1 egg, 1 to 3 times/week for Asians and Africans and 1 or 3 times for Europeans
- 115 to 170 ml of milk, 0 or 4 times/week if you are European and never for Africans and Asians

Finally, as far as fruits and vegetables are concerned...

whether they are cooked or raw, limit yourself to a cup of 250 ml. Raw vegetables are to be consumed 2 to 5 times a week for Europeans and Asians and 3 to 6 for Africans. Cooked vegetables should be eaten 3 to 6 times a week for Europeans and Asians and 1 to 4 for Africans.

For fruits, stick to 1 unit or 85-140g 3-4 times a week. Really beneficial are: beets, carrots, spinach, Swiss chard, Jerusalem artichokes, blueberries, cherries, lemon, fresh figs, blackberries…

Foods to ban

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Foods that promote weight gain are:

- Meat
- dairy products
- red beans
- butter beans
- wheat

Foods to avoid more generally are lamb, quail, rabbit, mutton, partridge, anchovies, eel, squid, haddock, oysters, prawns, butter, gouda cheese, fresh cheese, Munster, black olives, sweet peppers, tomatoes, clementines, melons, oranges...

Foods to consume and banish for group B

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Group B refers directly to our ancestors from the high plateaus of the Himalayas. The latter used to eat mostly dairy and meat from the capture and domestication of cattle while not omitting products from nature, which ultimately provided them with a relatively balanced diet.

Foods that promote weight loss are:

- eggs

- the green vegetables

- meat

- liver

- lean dairy products

- liquorice herbal tea

Regarding meat and poultry:

Limit yourself to 140g per serving for each meal. For lean red meat, the recommended quantity is 2 or 3 times maximum per week if you are European or Asian and 3 to 4 if you are African.

Poultry, on the other hand, can only be eaten a maximum of twice a week by Africans and Asians and up to 3 times by Europeans. Lamb, game animals, mutton and rabbit are recommended.

Regarding molluscs, fish and crustaceans:

The ideal portion is between 115 and 170 g and should not be taken more than 3 to 5 times a week for a European or Asian and 4 to 6 for an African. It is then necessary to favour sea bream, halibut, sole, shad, mackerel…

For dairy and eggs, limit yourself to:

- 55 g of cheese, 3 to 5 times/week for Europeans, 3 or 4 for Africans and 2 to 3 for Asians
- 115 to 170 g of yoghurt, 2 to 4 times/week for Europeans, 0 to 4 for Africans and 1 to 3 times for Asians
- 1 egg, 3 or 4 times/week for Europeans and Africans and 5 to 6 times for Asians
- 11 to 170 ml of milk, 4 or 5 times a week if you are European, up to 3 times for Africans and 2 or 3 times for Asians
So choose foods like feta, goat cheese, kefir…

Finally, as far as fruits and vegetables are concerned...

whether these are cooked or raw, limit yourself to one 250ml cup, 3-4 times a week, regardless of ethnicity, the most beneficial being: eggplant, yam, yellow pepper, red or green, Chinese cabbage, parsley…

For fruits, be content with one unit or 85 to 140g 3 to 4 times a week among papaya, pineapple, cranberry, white and black grapes, plums...

Foods to ban

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Foods that promote weight gain are:


- the chicken

- the corn

- buckwheat

- sesame seeds

- the peanuts

- wheat

Foods to eat and avoid for group AB

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Finally, the group AB, which unsurprisingly results from the union of the European tribes of group A with those Mongols of group B. If it has striking resemblances sometimes with group A sometimes with the B it can just as well be completely away from the food point of view.

Foods that promote weight loss are:

- the green vegetables

- fish and seafood

- tofu

- dairy products

- pineapples

- kelp (seaweed)

Regarding meat and poultry:

Limit yourself to 140g per serving for each meal. For lean red meat, the recommended quantity is 1 to 3 times maximum per week regardless of your ethnic origin and up to 2 times maximum for poultry. Lamb, turkey, mutton and rabbit are recommended.

For molluscs, fish and crustaceans:

The ideal portion is between 115 and 170 g and should not be taken more than 3 to 5 times a week for a European or an African and 4 to 6 times for an Asian. It is then necessary to privilege the monkfish, the big redfish, the captain, the albacore tuna, the mahimahi…

For dairy and eggs, limit yourself to:

- 55 g of cheese, 3 or 4 times/week for Europeans and Asians and 2 or 3 times for Africans
- 115 to 170 g of yoghurt, 3 or 4 times a week for Europeans, 2 or 3 times for Africans and 1 to 3 times for Asians
- 1 egg, 3 or 4 times/week for Europeans, 3 to 5 times for Africans and 2 or 3 times for Asians
- 115 to 170 ml of milk, 3 to 6 times a week if you are European, 1 to 6 times for Africans and 2 to 5 times for Asians
So choose foods like cottage cheese, feta, goat's milk, kefir, mozzarella...

Finally, as far as fruits and vegetables are concerned...

whether these are cooked or raw, limit yourself to one 250ml cup, 3-5 times a week, regardless of ethnicity, the most beneficial being: eggplant, yam, parsley, parsnip, alfalfa shoots, garlic…

For fruits, settle for one unit or 85 to 140g 3 to 4 times a week among pineapple, cranberry, white and black grapes, plums, grapefruit, gooseberries, lemon...

Foods to ban

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Foods that promote weight gain are:

- the corn

- buckwheat

- seeds

- wheat

- Red meat

- red beans and butter

The pluses and minuses
The positive:

- In view of the fairly wide choice of foods on offer, especially meat-based and therefore protein-based, there are no feelings of hunger that are felt since the satiety threshold is quickly reached.
- The elimination of refined foods in the 4 programs causes rapid weight loss.
- A number of unusual foods are recommended, which promotes diversity and the discovery of dishes during our meals.
- If the weight loss is not equal for each blood group, it is still visible after two to three weeks.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Satiety and well-being

Rigorously followed, the diet according to blood groups includes enough choices of food sources of protein to achieve satiety provided, of course, that you like and know how to prepare the permitted foods.

However, eating according to your blood type, especially for those in blood groups O and A, requires depriving yourself of frequently eaten foods and becoming familiar with several new foods, which can be difficult.

In practice

With this diet, you can't follow your own tastes since several popular foods are banned, which may explain the high dropout rate I've seen. An added complication is that individuals in the same family may not have the same blood type. So how do you prepare meals that are suitable for everyone? Mission almost impossible.


There is often weight loss in people who follow this diet. According to nutritionists, this is explained not by the elimination of incompatible foods but by lower consumption of calories due to the restricted choice of foods allowed.



Nutritional deficiencies. Except for people in group AB, this diet can lead to several deficiencies if little is known about the nutritional value of foods. A type O person, for example, is supposed to avoid cow's milk products, which may lead to calcium deficiency, unless they replace them with lots of broccoli, Chinese cabbage, almonds and sesame seeds and rice drink.

Blood group

Possible deficiencies


Calcium, Vitamin D, Cereal Fibre, Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B9, Magnesium


Iron, protein


Cereal fibres, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B9, magnesium


In principle, none

Cardiovascular illnesses. The diet for group O includes lots of red meats, which could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer.

The decline in performance. Type O people who engage in regular training or endurance activities (cross-country skiing, mountain biking, etc.) may experience a drop in performance due to low carbohydrate intake.

Lack of fibre. The low intake of cereals, and therefore dietary fibre, in the diet of groups O and B, could lead to constipation and increase the risk of developing certain cancers.

Diabetics. In group O, the high protein intake could, in the long term, prove to be problematic for the kidneys, especially in people with diabetes.

Frustration. Many popular foods (e.g. yoghurt, cheese, baked goods) can only be consumed in small quantities for certain blood groups, which can generate frustration and tip over into a crisis of excess that is difficult to control. control.

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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 07/04/2022

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