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Find out the best herbal and naturel remedies for fatty liver. Read till the end to discover.

  • Herbal and Natural remedies for fatty liver


    Fatty liver disease is a state that provokes fat to build up in the liver over time. There is no particular drugs or vaccine to heal the evil. All the same herbal tea, Diet and lifestyle changes are among the most effective ways to treat this condition.

    So, what types of diet and lifestyle changes can be helpful with this condition? Read on to learn more.

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    Fatty liver types    

    There are two types of fatty liver disease: alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Alcoholic fatty liver disease is caused by heavy alcohol use whereas Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) isn’t related to alcohol use.

    Although the cause of NAFLD is unknown, it’s more common in people who have:

    • Obesity
    • Type 2 diabetes
    • High cholesterol
    • High blood pressure

    Before using any herb make sure to inform a specialist or your doctor.

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    know more about our best herbal tea to heal completely fatty liver in a short time.

    Among our herbal tea from trusted sources that have shown positive effects on liver health include: Turmeric, milk thistle, resveratrol, and green tea.

    Natural remedies for fatty liver disease

    If you have NAFLD, keep in mind that not all diets and supplements are healthy for your liver. It’s important to discuss any alternative treatments with your healthcare provider before trying them.

    1. Lose excess weight

    The guide recommends that people with NAFLD lose between 3 and 5 percent of their body weight to reduce fat buildup in the liver.

    It also states that losing between 7 and 10 percent of body weight can improve other symptoms of NAFLD, such as inflammation, fibrosis, and scarring

    The best way to lose weight and maintain it is to take small steps toward your goal over time. Fasting and extreme diets are often unsustainable, and they can be hard on your liver.

    Before beginning any weight loss program, it’s important to speak with your healthcare provider to see if it’s right for you. A dietitian can develop an eating plan to help you reach your weight loss goals and make nutritious food choices.

    2. Try the Mediterranean diet

    Recent research suggests that the http://Mediterranean diet may help to reduce liver fat, even without weight loss.

    The Mediterranean diet also helps treat conditions commonly associated with NAFLD, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.

    This eating plan focuses on a variety of plant-based foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables and legumes, along with healthy fats. Here’s a brief overview of foods to focus on:

    • Fruits and vegetables. Aim to eat a variety: Try berries, apples, oranges, bananas, dates, figs, melons, leafy greens, broccoli, peppers, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, cucumbers, eggplant, and tomatoes.
    • Legumes. Try to include beans, peas, lentils, pulses, and chickpeas in your diet.
    • Healthy fats. Use healthy oils, such as extra virgin olive oil. Nuts, seeds, avocados, and olives also contain a high concentration of healthy fats.
    • Fish and lean meats. Opt for fish twice per week. Eggs and lean poultry, like skinless chicken and turkey, are fine in moderation.
    • Whole grains. Consume unprocessed grains and cereals, such as whole-wheat bread, brown rice, whole oats, couscous, whole-wheat pasta, or quinoa.

    3. Drink coffee

    According to Trusted Source, coffee offers a number of protective benefits for the liver. In particular, it stimulates the production of liver enzymes believed to fight inflammation.

    The same research reported that among people with NAFLD, regular coffee consumption reduces overall liver damage.

    Aim to drink two to three cups of coffee per day to lower the risk of liver disease. Black coffee is the best option, as it doesn’t contain any added fat or sugar.

    4. Avoid foods with added sugars

    Dietary sugars such as fructose and sucrose have been linked to the development of NAFLD. Research from 2017 describes how these sugars contribute to fat buildup in the liver.

    Major culprits include store-bought and commercially processed foods, such as:

    • baked goods, like cakes, cookies, doughnuts, pastries, and pies
    • Candy
    • Ice cream
    • Sugary cereals
    • Soft drinks
    • Sports drinks
    • Energy drinks
    • sweetened dairy products, like flavored yogurts

    To identify whether a packaged food contains added sugar, read the ingredients list on the product packaging. Words that end in “ose,” including sucrose, fructose, and maltose, are sugars.

    Other sugars commonly added to food products include:

    • Cane sugar
    • High-fructose corn syrup
    • Corn sweetener
    • Fruit juice concentrate
    • Honey
    • Molasses
    • Syrup

    Another way to tell how much sugar is in a food item is to read the nutrition facts label and to look at the number of grams of sugar that are in a serving for that item the lower, the better.

    6. Target high cholesterol

    According to research from 2012Trusted Source, NAFLD makes it harder for your body to manage cholesterol on its own. This can worsen NAFLD and increase your risk of heart disease.

    Try to limit your intake of certain types of fats to help control your cholesterol and treat NAFLD. Fats to avoid include :

    • Saturated fats. These are found in meats and full-fat dairy products.
    • Trans fats. Trans fats are often found in processed baked goods, crackers, and fried foods.

    Many of the lifestyle changes listed above including losing weight, staying active, and adopting a Mediterranean diet can also help you manage your cholesterol. Your doctor might also prescribe medication for high cholesterol.

    7. Avoid known liver irritants

    Certain substances can put excess stress on your liver. Some of these substances include alcohol, over-the-counter medications, and some vitamins and supplements.

    According to research from 2013Trusted Source, it’s best to avoid alcohol altogether if you have NAFLD. While moderate alcohol consumption may have some benefits among healthy people, it isn’t clear if those benefits also apply to people with NAFLD.

    In addition, speak to a doctor or pharmacist before taking any over-the-counter medication, vitamins, or supplements, as these can affect your liver.

    The bottom line 

    Lifestyle and dietary changes are currently the most effective treatment options for NAFLD. Losing weight, being physically active, cutting back on sugar, eating a healthier diet, and drinking coffee are some of the ways that may help improve symptoms associated with NALFD.

    If you have this condition, be sure to work closely with your doctor to develop a personalized treatment plan that’s right for you.

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